Tips on Statecraft by Ravana 44

Tips on Statecraft by Ravana

Tips on Statecraft by Ravana…The most revered Hindu Epic Ramayana sheds light on the life of Lord Rama, the crown prince of Ayodhya who was exiled for 14 years by his father King Dasarath,...

educational values 27

Education and Human Values

स्थित्प्रश्यस्य का भाषा समाधिस्थस्य केशवः I स्थितधीः किष् भासेत किमासीत व्रजेत किम् II What is the mark of a stable mind and established person in Samadhi (Perfect tranquility of mind)? How does the man of a stable mind speak? How does he sit? How does...

Killed Someone : murder 0

I Killed Someone Last Night

I killed someone last night. I have no idea who was she! It was the usual weekend evening when the sudden lust for blood popped my mind. This was not the first occasion when...

karna 54

Karna: A monologue – Final part

Karna At Kurukshetra -The Field of Battle ,last day… Much water had flowed the Jamuna when my mother and Devraj Indra approached me for Pandava’s safety. In the meanwhile, Pandava’s lost their kingdom, wife,...


Karna: A monologue Part -3

Karna: A monologue– At that time Arjun was presenting some ordinary feats of archery, but he was being applauded very much by royalty and gentry. Seeing this I made up my mind to display my skill....


Karna: A monologue- Part 2

But my misfortune did not spare me even at the ashram of Guru Parshurama. Everything was going on normally. Guru Parshurama was quite happy with my behavior and performance. One afternoon, resting his head on my thigh, he...

Karna: A monologue 34

Karna: A monologue – Part 1

Karna: A monologue – I regard myself as the leader of the downtrodden. Others may consider differently, but I don’t care because; Now, who shall arbitrate?Ten men love what I hate,Shun what I follow,...