MindAuthor Blog

happy birthday 0

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday! It was started during the ancient Egyptian period when the date of the coronation of the king was celebrated as their birthday. Greeks started the celebration of birthdays of Gods and Goddesses....

The Unguaranteed Consumerism 0

The Unguaranteed Consumerism

Consumerism is a recent event. Few decades ago, things were guaranteed. Manufactures and Traders would give guarantee of their products and services and thus proved their reliability. By providing guarantee, they would proclaim that...

human language 29

Human Language

What is human language? Language is a system of arbitrary vocal science that can be used to obtain and interaction among the members of social group (Miller). Sheriff & Sheriff define human language as...

silent mind : Peace of mind 37

The Silent Idea

I can give you innumerable ideas, so many preaching and thoughts. But the real idea lies within your own self. i.e. the silent idea. This is more fruitful than any word said, or uttered. When...

Fear of Exploitation in Females 21

Fear of Exploitation in Females

Fear of Exploitation in Females..! There are only few basic emotions, and fear is one of them. Fear is induced by perceived danger which causes change in the behavior. Various biological and psycho-social factors...


Illusion of romantic love

The illusion of romantic love ..! Right since childhood, a series of social agencies indoctrinate the minds creating the illusion of romantic love. One remains surrounded by romantic poems, novels, stories, movies and even...